Process & Training

New project software, growing teams, and changing company goals require additional training and support for your project team. I provide training and/or set-up services for project platforms such as Asana and help you build organization systems that can grow as you do.



Systems Training (Asana and Click Up)

Four Weeks

Having approval for a new tool is super exciting! It can also be overwhelming to think of how to set it up, how to implement it into your workflow, and train team members so they feel comfortable using the platform. With this service, I am with you at every step of the way, making the process as smooth as possible.

What’s included:

  • User and Admin Set-Up

  • Portfolio/Project/ Sprint Build Out

  • Team Training Sessions

  • Video Walkthrough





File Organization Audit and Training

Two Weeks

Managing creative and marketing files can be bulky, messy, and chaotic, especially if they are not properly filed from the start. This service is great for existing teams who need an audit of their files/asset management systems as well as for new teams looking to set-up their file management systems in the proper way.

What’s included:

  • Full Audit of File Management System

  • Strategy for New/Updated File Management

  • Implementation of New System



Project Management Mentorship

Three Months Minimum

As a non-traditional project manager who didn't always have the help I needed, it's important for me to give back to the newer project managers. This mentorship program is a great fit for those who are currently new to a project manager role or for those considering becoming a project manager. You can work with me 1:1 to learn more about what it takes to succeed as a project manager, how to highlight transferable skills if you are a career changer, and much more. Each session is personalized and ends with actionable next steps.

What’s included:

  • Initial Assessment & Review of Assessment Session

  • Weekly 1 hour sessions

  • Career Goals Worksheet and Progress Tracker

Specific Process / Project Question

1 Hour (subject to availability)

Do you have a very specific question on something you're currently working on? Need someone to brainstorm with you or provide guidance on your situation? Confused about how to navigate project team member dynamics? Or really anything else!

What’s included:

  • 1 hour call

  • Three Key Takeaways/Next Steps

How It Works

  • 1. After you book a call, we'll get on a call to make sure it's a good mutual fit.

    2. I'll send a proposal + invoice.

    3. Week 1: Discussions on team goals for project tool and ideal state. Start creating Users and Admin.

    4. Week 2: Project tool set up and testing.

    5. Week 3: Feedback/review of tool set up. Team trainings begin.

    6. Week 4: Team trainings completed. Final review of tool set up.

    7. Video walkthroughs folder completed and delivered.

  • 1. After you book a call, we'll get on a call to make sure it's a good mutual fit.

    2. I'll send a proposal + invoice.

    3. Days 1-4 -- Full Audit of File Management System. Includes meeting with team members to understand team needs.

    4. Days 4-6 -- Deliver Strategy Doc for new file management system.

    5. Days 6-8 -- Feedback on Strategy Doc. Revise if needed.

    6. Days 8-12 -- Implementation of New System. Note: Implementation will be dependent on size of file system which we will discuss in our first call.

    7. Days 12-14 -- Final walkthrough of new file management system and best next steps.

  • 1. After you book a call, we'll get on a call to make sure it's a good mutual fit.

    2. I'll send a proposal + invoice + initial assessment.

    3. First call: we will discuss the assessment and how the sessions will look like.

    4. We will have weekly sessions organized based on your responses to the assessment.

    5. After the end of each month, we will have a progress review session.

    6. Two weeks prior to the ending of mentorship, we will review and refine your Career Goals worksheet.

    7. Last week of mentorship we will do close-out tasks (including final review of progress tracker, mini celebration of your progress, review of goals, and more).

  • 1. After you book a call, we'll get on a call to make sure it's a good mutual fit.

    2. I'll send a proposal + invoice.

    3. We will schedule a 1 hour session to discuss your question.

    4. We will close out the call with Three Key Takeways/Next Steps that you can leave with.


Set Your Team Up For Success From The Very Beginning